
This page will allow you to find the appropriate hospital for you.

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Search Result of Hospitals

Hospital Phone Numbers
Rayak Hospital 08-901300/1/2/3/4/5
Tatari hospital 08-370799 / 08-371903 / 03-833846
Dr. Hamed Farhat hospital 08-660233
Bahmad 08-591108
Dar Al-Amal University Hospital 08-340620, 03-837033
Khatib hospital 08-930570, 1, 3
Chtoura Hospital 961 8 544022/3/4/5961 3 321607-96170333817
Dar El Hikmah 08-379136/7/803-725323
Doctors 08-563101
El Assi 08-200795,08-200238
El Bekaa 08-543150/1/203/97979203/642412
Farhat .F c 08-911570
Ibn Sina 08-377811
Khoury General Hospital - Zahle - Doctors Center +961 8 807000 1/2/3+961 8 811181 2/3
Libano-Francais 08-810121/2/3/../7
Al Mortada hospital 08-377880
Rayan 08-373682,08-372182
Taanayel Gen.Hosp. 08-545199
Tal Chiha 08-807782/3/4,08-802172
Universal 08-210560,08-210570
Battoul 08-200118

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